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#Day 5 About ZOOM Command

AutoCAD Tutorial 
#Day 5 
About ZOOM Command 

               Zoom to display an area specified by a rectangular window. With the cursor, you can define an area of the model to fill the entire window. Zoom to display one or more selected objects as large as possible and in the center of the view.
In a perspective view, zoom display the 3DZOOM Prompts.
All : 
             Zoom to display all visin]ble objects and visual aids. Adjust the magnification of the drawing area to accommodate the extent to all visible objects in the drawing, pr visual aids such as the grid limits (the limits command), whichever is larger. Because it always  regenerates the drawing.  You cannot ZOOM ALL transparently.
              Zoom to display a view defined by a center point and a magnification value or a height. A smaller value for the height increase the magnification. A larger value decrease the magnification. Not available in perspective projection.
          Pans and ZOmms using a rectangular view box.the view box represents you view, which you can shirnk or enlarge and move arounf the drawing. Positioning and sizing the view box pans or zooms to fill the view port with the view inside the view box pans or zooms to fill the view port with the view inside the view box. Not available in Perspective Projection.
            Zoom to display the maximum extents  of all objects.
             Zoom to display the previous view. you can restore up to 10 previous views.
Scale / Scale Factor ( to magnify the object) :
             Zoom to change the magnification of a view using a Scale factor ( 0.5x,1.0x)
             Zoom to display an area specified by a rectangular window. With the cursor, you can define an area of the model to fill the entire window.
             Zoom to display one or more selected objects as large as possible and in the center of the view, you can select objects before or after you start the ZOOM command
Real Time:
                Zoom interactively to change the magnification of the view. The cursor changes to a magnifying glasss with plus (+) and  minus (-) signs. 

                                                      Thanks and Regards 


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